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The impact of emissions from aviation on the climate

This publication describes how the main emission components of aviation affect the climate. It also discusses how these components are quantified and which comparative values should be used.

Neu U (2021) The impact of emissions from aviation on the climate. Swiss Academies Communications 16 (3).
Image: ProClim

Greenhouse gas emissions from global aviation are steadily and sharply increasing and their part in global CO2 emissions is growing. This trend is particularly high in industrialised countries. In addition to CO2, however, aviation also emits other components that have an impact on the climate. These are in particular water vapour, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and soot. This publication describes how the main emission components of aviation affect the climate. It also discusses how these components are quantified and which comparative values should be used.

This report is an updated version of the Swiss Academies Communications Vol. 15 (9).

Edition / Volume: 2nd Edition, 2021 (online)

Source: Neu U (2021) The impact of emissions from aviation on the climate. Swiss Academies Communications 16 (3).


  • Climatology, Atmospherical Chemistry, Aeronomoy
  • Industrialised countries
  • Nitrogen
  • Trend
  • Water vapour


Dr. Urs Neu
ProClim − Forum for Climate and Global Change (ProClim)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern

This publication is only available online.

English, German, French