Meetings & Documentation
Il seguente contenuto non è un'offerta del portale Science Naturali Svizzera.

CHIPP Roadmap
In 2011, the existing Roadmap from 2004 (see below) has been completed by an implementation document. This update of the existing Roadmap takes into account the evolution in particle physics over the last five years, formulates clear recommendations for each section and contains choices regarding projects and activities supported.
European Astroparticle Physics Strategy 2017-2026 APPEC Roadmap
CHIPP Roadmap 2004 document

White Papers endorsed by the CHIPP Board 11 February 2021: Pillar2, Pillar3
Draft of the CHIPP White Papers for Pillar 1 presented at SWICH2 (Fribourg 13-14 September 2018): document
Strategy for Swiss contributions to large ground-based astro-particle physics research infrastructure (17 Mar. 2013) document
Experimental neutrino physics: Switzerland in the global context, a white paper (14 Nov. 2015) document