FLARE Maintenance & Operation for the LHC Experiments
2017-2020: Administrative - Scientific parts
2016: Administrative - Scientific parts
2015: Administrative - Scientific parts
2014: Administrative - Scientific parts
2013: Administrative - Scientific parts
2012: Administrative - Scientific parts
2011: Administrative - Scientific parts
2010: Administrative - Scientific parts
2009: Administrative - Scientific parts
LHC RRB Meeting
LHC RRB Meeting October 2017 (details)
CHIPP : LA FLARE panel (formerly LA FORCE)
The "LenkunsAusschuss" FLARE (LA FLARE) is the panel discussing and suggesting global directions for the prioritization of the SNSF requests for Funding LArge international REsearch projects (FLARE).
The following documents can be found in the CHIPP Archive : /CHIPP/Documents/Flare
Funding priorities 2016 as proposed by CHIPP at LA FLARE 2015
Funding priorities 2015 as proposed by CHIPP at LA FLARE 2014
Funding priorities 2014 as proposed by CHIPP at LA FLARE 2013
Funding priorities 2013 as proposed by CHIPP at LA FLARE 2012
SER Letter to SNF (January 24, 2012)
SER letter to SNF (January 24, 2011)
SER letter to SNF (January 25, 2010)
NCCR Universe:
Constituents, Forces, Space-Time
Brochure of Scientific part of the proposal submitted in Jan. 2012.
"Innovation and Cooperation Project" for the period 2008-2011 called Swiss Centre for Advanced Studies in Particle Physics in the LHC Era (C15); submitted on 17 June 2007; granted on 11 October 2007; extended to 2012 on 24 June 2010: proposal; mid-term report; summary with the Annual Reports.
details: ‘Swiss Centre of Advanced Studies in Particle Physics in the LHC Era’, which was funded by the Schweizerische Universitätskonferenz SUK and the ETH Council for the 2008-2012 period.