Membre de la SCNAT

CHIPP reunit les chercheuses et chercheurs dans la physique des particules, des astroparticules et de la physique nucléaire en Suisse. Il renforce la participation suisse dans des projets et des comités internationaux. Il coordonne la recherche et les activités d’enseignement et stimule l’intérêt du grand public.en plus

Image : ESOen plus


  • Higgs@10 UZH
  • Higgs@10 UZH 2
  • card Game Higgs@10 UZH
  • Card Game Higgs@10 UZH 2
  • Higgs@10
  • Higgs@10 UZHImage : Ben Kilminster, UZH1/5
  • Higgs@10 UZH 2Image : Ben Kilminster, UZH2/5
  • card Game Higgs@10 UZHImage : UZH3/5
  • Card Game Higgs@10 UZH 2Image : UZH4/5
  • Higgs@10Image : UZH5/5
Card game University Geneve - DPNC
Image : University Geneva

Fantastic Card game !


Anna Sfyrla - University of Geneva DPNC

Higgs@10 flyer UniBe
Image : UniBe, Switzerland

10 Jahre Higgs-Entdeckung

Monday, 2022/07/04, 18:00 h

details --> link


Event organizer: Laboratorium für Hochenergiephysik (LHEP) und Albert Einstein Center (AEC) der Universität Bern

Nuit de la Science image

The Particle Physics department will participate at the "Nuit de la science" in Geneve !

the 9-10 July 2022 -->link

UZH Higgs@10
Image : UZH, Switzerland

UZH celebrates the Higgs@10 with an informative walk through Irchelpark on July 3 and 4.

On Sunday, July 3rd, UZH physicists will be there to answer questions - they will be easily recognisable with theit special t-shirts.

On Monday, July 4th self-guided tours are possible, in addition guided tours will be available for groups who register.

details --> link

Higgs@10 Switzerland LOGO
Image : CERN

CERN 4th July --> link