- Communiqué de presse
- Annonce
IMPACT: Upgrade at PSI research facility approved
Image : Scanderbeg Sauer Photography1/21- Communiqué de presse
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Scientists discover extremely rare particle decay
Image : CERN2/21- Communiqué de presse
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Neutrino o’clock
Image : Federico Sanchez, U. Geneva3/21- Communiqué de presse
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Neutrino experiment comes back to life
Image : J-PARC/Rey.Hori4/21Strategic Workshops & Documents
5/21- Communiqué de presse
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Lesya Shchutska is the Prize winner of the Prize Latsis in 2023
Image : SNSF, Mathilda Olmi6/21- Communiqué de presse
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CHIPP Prize 2023: On a course to discovery
Image : Anne-Mazarine Lyon7/21- Communiqué de presse
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New flavour for Basel
Image : Admir Greljo8/21- Communiqué de presse
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Order through kaons
Image : Radoslav Marchevski9/21- Communiqué de presse
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First sighting of neutrinos from a collider collision
Image : Anna Sfyrla10/21- Communiqué de presse
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“Strange animals” in the spotlight
Image : U. Bern11/21Women In Science
Image : CHIPP12/21PhD School
Image : CHIPP13/21- Communiqué de presse
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Hopp Higgs!
Image : FERMILAB14/21Higgs@10
15/21- Communiqué de presse
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Making (gravitational) waves in Switzerland
Image : Bild: R. Williams (STScI), Hubble Deep Field Team und NASA16/21- Communiqué de presse
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Gabriel Cuomo receives the CHIPP Prize 2021
Image : G. Cuomo17/21- Communiqué de presse
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Recent Results from LHCb Challenge Leading Theory in Physics
Image : LHCb, CERN18/21- 2021
- Rapport
CHIPP Roadmap
Image : SCNAT19/21- Communiqué de presse
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Two dark matter detector heavyweights join forces to build new observatory
Image : XENON experiment20/21- Communiqué de presse
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Leading Xenon Researchers unite to build next-generation Dark Matter Detector
Image : XENON collaboration21/21
The Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP) is the bottom-up organisation of Swiss particle and astroparticle physics researchers in Switzerland as a legal entity of Swiss law. CHIPP is tasked with coordinating the national efforts in the realm of particle and astroparticle physics.
This is achieved by keeping a continuous dialogue between the particle physicists of different cantonal universities and federal institutes. CHIPP is recognized as the representative of Swiss particle physics both nationally and internationally. It awards yearly a Prize to a PhD student, supports workshops and conferences, organises PhD schools, and develops outreach projects.
Événements, Annonces, Publications

Scientists discover extremely rare particle decay
You may or may not remember that the Swiss particle physics expertise portfolio gained a new entry last year: research with kaons. EPFL assistant professor Radoslav Marchevski had imported his research specialty to the country, trying to look for extremely rare and hard-to-spot kaon decays. Well, we’ve got some news: there has been a discovery!
Image : CERN
CERN and Switzerland: Seven decades of close collaboration and some lesser-known facts
2024 is the year that CERN turns 70. Its close connection to Switzerland is no secret, after all the confederation is one of the lab’s host countries and heavily involved in its physics programme by way of many universities and research institutes in the country. But what role does Winston Churchill play in this collaboration? And did you know that the canton of Geneva almost didn’t become host to the world’s largest particle accelerator (to date)? That there was a lot of improvisation in the early days and that the CERN-Swiss ties even extend up into space? Read on to find out more…
Image : CERN
Piles of pile-up data turned to good use
Researcher Steven Schramm and his team from the University of Geneva have found a way to make use of the unloved and unwanted extra-stuff from the collisions of the ATLAS experiment: they turn it into a new dataset with the potential to perform precision tests for the Standard Model of particle physics and probes for potential future collider collisions. A study described in a reference paper shows that it is possible to extract the jet energy resolution from this extra data.
Image : denisismagilov, stock.adobe.com
CHIPP prize 2024: When physics comes to life
Congratulations to Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo, this year’s winner of the CHIPP prize for the best thesis in particle physics! Gabriela is a neutrino explorer – exploring those events whose particular feature is a lack of neutrinos. She knows almost everything there is to know about the shy little beasts that cross our paths in abundance without us noticing and she’s set to find out even more. Currently a postdoc at the University of Zurich, she leads the R&D efforts in imaging techniques for PALEOCCENE, a collaboration she helped initiate and advance.
Image : Gabriela Araujo
Dark matter under Black Hills
Thanks to new arrival Björn Penning, the University of Zurich is now a member of another epic dark matter experiment.
Image : Google photo
Neutrino experiment comes back to life
Good news from the “T2K” neutrino experiment project in Japan: it has started taking data again at the end of last year after an extensive upgrade of its neutrino beam and the near detector. The near detector is very firmly in the hands of Swiss institutes – University of Geneva and ETH Zurich. Federico Sánchez from the University of Geneva gives an update of what has happened and what we can expect.
Image : J-PARC/Rey.HoriContact
Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP)
c/o Prof. Dr. Ben Kilminster
Department of Physics
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zurich