Piles of pile-up data turned to good use
Researcher Steven Schramm and his team from the University of Geneva have found a way to make use of the unloved and unwanted extra-stuff from the collisions of the ATLAS experiment: they turn it into a new dataset with the potential to perform precision tests for the Standard Model of particle physics and probes for potential future collider collisions. A study described in a reference paper shows that it is possible to extract the jet energy resolution from this extra data.
Image : denisismagilov, stock.adobe.comCHIPP prize 2024: When physics comes to life
Congratulations to Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo, this year’s winner of the CHIPP prize for the best thesis in particle physics! Gabriela is a neutrino explorer – exploring those events whose particular feature is a lack of neutrinos. She knows almost everything there is to know about the shy little beasts that cross our paths in abundance without us noticing and she’s set to find out even more. Currently a postdoc at the University of Zurich, she leads the R&D efforts in imaging techniques for PALEOCCENE, a collaboration she helped initiate and advance.
Image : Gabriela AraujoDark matter under Black Hills
Thanks to new arrival Björn Penning, the University of Zurich is now a member of another epic dark matter experiment.
Image : Google photoNeutrino experiment comes back to life
Good news from the “T2K” neutrino experiment project in Japan: it has started taking data again at the end of last year after an extensive upgrade of its neutrino beam and the near detector. The near detector is very firmly in the hands of Swiss institutes – University of Geneva and ETH Zurich. Federico Sánchez from the University of Geneva gives an update of what has happened and what we can expect.
Image : J-PARC/Rey.HoriThe planners of the future are ready to go
The international particle physics hub CERN in Geneva has big plans for the future. Literally. While its current flagship, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is scheduled to continue data taking until the 2040s, the international community of particle physics is already busy conceiving potential follow-up projects to complement the discoveries made at the LHC.
Image : FCC/CERN‘Tis the season to do experiments
Please add to the shopping list: a few pieces of chalk, a cobblestone, twelve cotton buds, 50 grams of pepper powder, a tube of effervescent tablets, adhesive tape...
Image : Physics in Advent