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Die Dachorganisation der Schweizer Forschenden auf dem Gebiet der Teilchen-, Astroteilchen- und Kernphysik unterstützt Schweizer Beteiligungen an internationalen Projekten und in internationalen Gremien. Sie koordiniert die Forschungs- und Ausbildungsbestrebungen sowie die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.mehr

Bild: ESOmehr

PhD School

CHIPP Winter School 2025 poster

CHIPP Winter School 2025

Gstaad, 19-24 January 2025



Poster image CHIPP Winter School 2023 poster

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts its annual winter school !

  • Detectors (Anna Macchiolo - UZH)
  • Astroparticle Physics (Andrii Neronov - APC Paris and EPFL)
  • Neutrino Physics (Alain Blondel - UniGe and LPNHE Paris)
  • Flavour Physics (Andreas Crivellin - UZH and PSI)
  • Machine Learning in Particle Physics (Federico Meloni - DESY)
  • Low Energy Physics (Paolo Crivelli - ETHZ)
  • The school is open to both swiss and international young physicists.

PhD students are especially encouraged to attend.

The 2023 CHIPP winter school of particle physics will be in Leukerbad at the Hotel Regina Terme.

The cost of the school (full boarding) is 800 CHF.

Registrations are now open:

The event is kindly supported by the Swiss Institute of Particle Phsyics and the Swiss Academy of Sciences

EPT summer camp 2023 image
Bild: EPT

The EPT-hub invites doctoral students and postdocs to join the EPT summer camp for physics teaching assistants.

The event will take place on 4-7 June 2023 in Morschach and cover topics of activating teaching techniques, student's engagement and TA's self-management.

More information:

CHIPP Winter School 2022 photo
Bild: CHIPP, Switzerland

Indico page of the last CHIPP Winter School 16-21 January 2022

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts an annual winter school based on the activities of the swiss institutes involved in particle and astro-particle physics. The purpose of the school is to offer young physicists an opportunity to learn about recent advances in elementary-particle physics from local and world-leading researchers. The school program includes lectures on accelerator and non-accelerator particle physics (detectors, LHC physics, neutrinos, astrophysics, flavor physics) from an experimental and phenomenological perspective.

MLHEP2020 image
Bild: MLHEP, Switzerland

Sixth Machine Learning in High Energy Physics Summer School 2020

The Sixth Machine Learning summer school organised by Yandex School of Data Analysis, Laboratory of Methods for Big Data Analysis of National Research University Higher School of Economics, and High Energy Physics Laboratory LPHE at EPFL will be held at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland from the 16th to 30th of July 2020.

The materials of the summer school started to emerge as a free online course.

Currently, there are two sections out of six. More to come soon.
Any feedback is appreciated!

Zuoz Summer School 2020: VISION AND PRECISION photo
Bild: CHIPP, Switzerland

PSI Summer School in Zuoz

Vision and Precision

9-15 August 2020
Lyceum Alpinum, Zuoz

PSI Zuoz Summer School Exothiggs 2016
Bild: CHIPP, Switzerland

PSI ZUOZ Summer School 2016 link

CHIPP PhD Winter School 2015

CHIPP PhD Winter School 2015 link

The PhD Winter School of the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP)

CHIPP PhD Winter School 2013

CHIPP PhD Winter School 2013 link Indico

CHIPP Winter School 2011

CHIPP Winter School 2011: website